January 28, 2020

Enhanced Source Control Through Smart Metering Technology Webinar

(Hosted by the Pretreatment Committee)

Pretreatment Programs across the country conduct compliance oversight sampling at significant industrial users once per year to satisfy the federal requirement for control authority sampling. In addition, the permitted SIUs are required to conduct self-monitoring twice per year. This is classified as source control. In today’s age of technology, there are so many more opportunities to monitor the discharges from industrial users. For example, the Internet of Things (IoT) allows pretreatment programs to install smart meters that can transmit data back to the control authority and be able to monitor industrial users in real-time. Couple that with meters at the headworks of the wastewater treatment plant, and the pretreatment program has the capability of being able to identify the source of possible upsets at the wastewater treatment plant in real-time. This is an example of “Enhanced Source Control”.

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Joshua Balentine, Brown and Caldwell

1 CEU/PDH credit hour offered for live viewing (12:30 ET on January 28, 2020)