May 23, 2019

Is Recycled Water a KY or TN Possibility? Webinar

(Hosted by the Reuse Committee)

It's a well known fact that Kentucky and Tennessee are considered "water rich" states.  That does not preclude the opportunity to have each state investigate the use of recycled or reclaimed water as "water stressed" areas of each state exist.  The webinar will provide a summary of fresh water statistics and any current regulations or reuse of recycled water in Kentucky and Tennessee.  Technology today allows for treatment of water quality treatment center effluents.  The webinar provided a summary of that technology and briefly describe efforts within KY-TN WEA on a direct potable reuse project.

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Robert Bates, GRW Inc., KY-TN WEA Reuse Committee KY Co-chair
Brent Fowler, Smith Seckman Reid, Inc., KY-TN WEA Reuse Committee TN Co-chair

1 PDH credit hour offered for live viewing (12:30 ET on May 23, 2019)