Janurary 24, 2019

WARN and Emergency Deployment Webinar

(Hosted by the Management Committee)

WARN is a Water and Wastewater Agency Response Network of utilities helping other utilities to respond to and recover from emergencies. The purpose of a WARN is to provide a method whereby water/wastewater utilities that have sustained or anticipate damages from natural or human-caused incidents can provide and receive emergency aid and assistance in the form of personnel, equipment, materials and other associated services as necessary from other water/wastewater utilities. Being a member of WARN allows systems affected by disaster to receive timely mutual aid assistance and response through WARN enables potentially eligible reimbursement through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA and TEMA) In this presentation, we will:

• Discuss the WARN program including mutual aid agreements, equipment and personnel sourcing, and the operational framework for activation including pre-event preparation, mobilization, deployment, and reimbursement.
• Share deployment tips and lessons learned from Metro Water Services response the Florida Keys after Hurricane Irma.

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Sonia Allman, Metro Water Services

1 PDH/MUB credit hour offered for live viewing (12:30 ET on January 24, 2019)